EduDee is honored and grateful to have received support from Blue Elephant Bangkok which appreciates the importance of education and wishes to see Thai youth share Thai cultural cooking with foreigners. Blue Elephant Restaurant, led by Master Chef Nooror Somany Steppe (front standing row, third from left), taught the students of Education and Development Experts (EduDee) and demonstrated how to cook the famous Thai dishes of Pad Thai Noodles and Chicken Tom Kha Soup. EduDee manages a cultural exchange program that leads to life experiences abroad. EduDee’s students have the chance to share Thai culture through Thai cuisine in line with the long-standing intentions of Blue Elephant Restaurant. Master Chef Nooror Somany Steppe always expresses these intentions and gave EduDee students gift bags including Blue Elephant Thai Premium cooking sets for them to make use of in presenting Thai culture abroad. Also featured in the picture with the EduDee exchange students are EduDee President Mrs. Sujitra Laornual (front standing row, fourth from left), Chef Sandra Chandra Steppe (front standing row, second from left), and EduDee General Manager Mr. Yodsawat Siriditsayapong (front standing row, far left). If you’re interested in learning how to cook the traditional Thai palace way, contact Blue Elephant Cooking School & Restaurant Bangkok at 02-6739353-8 or EduDee hopes all the EduDee exchange students will take what they learned about making Pad Thai Noodles with Shrimp and Chicken Tom Kha Soup to treat their host families and hopes to hear about their host families’ reactions to their homemade Thai meal ?