I am an exchange student in 2021, Michigan in the U.S. At start, I am pretty worry with the program from my shyness and time taken for adjusting to others. I also have not much knowledge about American culture. Luckily, I have generous and friendly host family then I spend less time for such adaptation.
When I first arrived abroad, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to get along with my host family. But as time passed, I was able to adjust to my surroundings and I became more confident in speaking to and asking for advice from them. I have a special bond with my host mother. I always talked to her about everything. If my host mom sensed I was down, she’d come and hug me. And in addition to her two sons, she considered me her daughter.
I’m Palm and I did my exchange in Washington state for about 7 months. Washington is known as the Evergreen State. Because of the COVID-19 outbreak I couldn’t complete the whole program period. But the experience that I gained as an exchange student over my 7 months was more than worth it. This program gave me so many memorable opportunities such as getting to live with a wonderful host family,
Hello all. My name is Ploy. I’m an EduDee exchange student and I did my exchange in America. I feel my exchange was very worthwhile. It was an experience that gave more than just English practice and cultural exchange. I studied Literature and for me this was really difficult but my school teacher helped me all throughout.
When I first arrived in America, I did not know what activities to take part in, let alone where to begin. Luckily, however, my host family suggested that I enroll in a singing class. They said that it would be a fun experience, the teacher was really nice and the class consisted of talented kids. After hearing this, I decided to sign up for the singing class.
Hi, my name is Mimi. I am an exchange student who stayed in Texas. During my time as an exchange student, I felt that I had done more things than I had ever done in my entire life. Knowing that I was someone who didn’t get along easily with people, I decided to keep an open mind once I reached Texas. I figured there was probably no harm in doing so.
Hi, I’m Min, a 2019-2020 exchange student who went to Canada. I was actually the only person to apply to go to Canada that year. Though this made me feel a little bit lonely because I had to travel alone, I decided to focus on the positives like how this trip was good practice travelling abroad independently. I stayed in Winnipeg, a small town in the state of Matinoba. Winnipeg is also known as Winterpeg since the winters get super cold, and the temperature outside can drop all the way to -40 degrees.
“Becoming an exchange student has been my dream since 8th grade. But I’d never imagined it could become reality because I knew it would be hard and challenging. It all started when my English teacher introduced EduDee to us and encouraged me to take the test. I thought I probably wouldn’t pass the test, but somehow I managed to pass both the written test and the interview. I started to ask myself, “Do I really want to do this?”
Staying with my host family during my time as an exchange student has been one of the best things I’ve ever experienced. They looked after me as if I was one of their own. Since I’m an only child, coming to live in a family with three younger siblings has been fun in a new and different way. I had a host sister, who was 16, and two host brothers, 12 and 13. We were all very close, and I often attended school with my host sister, and we’d eat lunch together. At first I was scared and worried, afraid to speak English
Being one of EduDee’s exchange students has given me so many new experiences and great memories. I was lucky that my host sister, who lived nearby, had a son who was about my age and had also taken in two exchange students. My host family actually had a double placement, and the other exchange student was from Spain and was also my age. The five of us usually hung out together. When school first started, I had to work extra hard, since my English wasn’t all that good