Mr.Amnat Wichayanuwat, Secretary-General of the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC), gave an interview to the media about the readiness for school’s to begin Term 1 of the 2020 academic year on July 1, 2020.
The school opening date had been postponed from the original date in May 2020 due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
For the upcoming 2020 academic year slated to start on July 1, 2020, each term will last for approximately 4 months. For instance, Term 1 will begin on July 1, 2020 and last until November 30, 2020. Afterwards, Term 2 will commence on December 1, 2020 and end on April 30, 2021 for a complete 4 months.
This means that there will not be a term break. Meanwhile, the summer vacation that is to begin at the end of Term 2 will last for 15 days starting from May 1 to May 15, 2021.
This is so that the following school year can begin according to the regular Thai school calendar.
However, OBEC is allowing any school that wishes to have a term break to do so by providing the option of holding Term 1 classes on weekend days or public holidays as well so that Term 1 ends sooner. Whether or not to do so is up to the discretion of each school’s administration.
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